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Andrew D'Angelo
Well what can I say about Andrew???? HMMM...........what can I NOT say! Well first of all, a coversation with him is an enlightening, and reflective experience. His wit and enchanting charm in addition to his utterly interesting life drove us to hours of conversations, having to come to decisive endings, and continued in a three day time period. I believe this extensive interview literally "speaks for itself". The subsequent is a fraction of Andrew I was fortunate to be a part of............................
ANDREW: So how do we do this?
LIZ: Let's just talk a bit, I know you are from Boston originally
ANDREW I'm from Seattle.
LIZ: ok explain
ANDREW: I grew up there until I was 20
then I moved to New York in 1986
I lived in NY for 2 years on Ludlow street
the Lower East Side
very crazy shit back then
crack viles everywhere
drug dealers
I was robbed 6 times
LIZ: that's fucking nuts
LIZ: did u ever live in Boston
ANDREW: I decided to move to Boston because my best friends Jim Black and Chris Speed lived there.
I moved there in '89 I think.
lived there for almost five years
I wanted to record with Jim and Chris.
and I did.
LIZ: I see, and that's around the same time you started human feel
ANDREW: I put out my first cd in '90
that was Human Feel
we just played Friday night
it was fucking GREAT!!
Packed house and all!
LIZ: that must've been amazing
ANDREW: Yeah, I really had a great time!
We didn't play together for 4 years
so it's been nice to play again.
2 in one months time.
LIZ: that was my next question
ANDREW: you have to understand that I grew up with Jim and Chris
We were childhood friends
we played in a professional big band together in high school
LIZ: yeah so the musical kinship is there
ANDREW: anyway, I moved from Boston back to NY and have been here for about 8 years now
LIZ: so Nyc is homeland
ANDREW: yes, NYC is home.
I've been east for 16 years so Seattle is long gone.
LIZ: I was absolutely blown away with your big band
ANDREW: Thank you!
I hope to record that thing sooooooonnnnn
I have to find a label with $$
I had a regular big band in Boston.
We played every week
at the Middle East
LIZ: what was the big band in Boston like
ANDREW: I called it Standard Deviation.
We played old standard big band shit and fucked with it!
I had a lot of famous guys in that group;
Josh Redman
for one
Larry Grenadier
Samus Blake
Cuong Vu
Jeff Parker
LIZ: did you record with them
did a lot of gigs though.
LIZ: I almost got to see cuong vu in nyc
but he cancelled
ANDREW: where?
LIZ: knitting factory
yeah, he's busy with Pat.
LIZ: so tell me do you remember your first musical experience
ANDREW: My mom said I had to play an instrument.
She showed me a bunch of pictures.
of musical instruments
I picked out the sax because it looked cool.
We went and rented one the next day.
My mom came down to wake me the following day and I was sleeping with my horn.
It was all over.
LIZ: ha, that's brilliant!
LIZ: how old were you?
ANDREW: 11 years old.
LIZ: and from that moment on.......
ANDREW: my first musical exp was having sex with my alto.
nice sex with my sax!
LIZ: wundebar
ANDREW: I've always had an oral fixation.
The sax mouthpiece was the perfect size.
LIZ: were you breast fed
ANDREW: ha! no!
LIZ: me either
ANDREW: I had a fifties mom.
they were so into formula
I missed my moms titties.
LIZ: yeah I have a crazy Cuban mama
ANDREW: crazy Cuban titities.
ANDREW: She thinks that is why I am gay.
LIZ: no shit
ANDREW: Yeah, she thinks there was some kind of nutritional deficiency that caused me to be gay.
funny shit.
moms are weird like that
LIZ: so when did you find out you were gay, my friend tells me he knew since preschool
ANDREW: Hm, we were discussing this last night at the Garden Party.
LIZ: dejavue
ANDREW: Yeah, I always knew but God and Jesus scared me.
LIZ: hahahahahaha that's hilarious
ANDREW: my parents were religious freaks!
I always was having sex with all of my friends.
Sucking here, fucking there.
I love DICKS!
but I like vaginas too.
I think dick in vagina is AMAZING feeling.
I just can't fall in love with women.
too much work.
LIZ: so are you bi?
ANDREW: Well, I might be, but not right now.
I just love sex.
I have slept with as many women as men at this point
LIZ: well, sometimes I find men more complicated
We don't know shit
give us a beer and blow and.....
LIZ: Ohhhh......, very true! but you all can bring the drama as well
LIZ: I heard you came out on stage?????
ANDREW: I did?
How so...
LIZ: tell me
ANDREW: Tell you what?
That I came out on stage?
LIZ: yes
ANDREW: I guess I kind of did.
I mean we were at a wedding with ALL of my friends/
LIZ: what was it like
ANDREW: My boyfriend showed up (he was 18 at the time)
LIZ: and you?
ANDREW: I was 30
and we just started going at it!!
We're still best friends.
He was there last night lying on my lap.
LIZ: sweet
LIZ: what were the expressions
ANDREW: The groom's mother was horrified!
ANDREW: The father just loved it.
ANDREW: I couldn't believe that.
He is old Mexican cat from Arizona.
cool guy.
LIZ: that's hilarious, I would figure a Mexican loving that, Hispanics are crazy heads
ANDREW: It's funny but I looked around and everyone at the wedding was watching.
LIZ: but of course
ANDREW: They had never seen me kiss a guy.,
ANDREW: I have to tell you that I associate my music with sex.
physical contact is REALLY important.
I mean, if I'm improvising with people I am making love to them.
Or fucking.
or having sex.
or whatever...
but it's intimate...
you know what I am saying?
LIZ: beautiful
LIZ: I know exactly what you're saying!
ANDREW: So, naturally, sex comes easy.
Not "easy" but it fits.
Feels good.
It's fun to get people to open up.
LIZ: yeah!
ANDREW: I'm kind of known for that.
LIZ: Have ever been interviewed? I cant find anything on the web
ANDREW: Have I ever been interviewed?
tons! mostly under the stills of Matt Wilson
LIZ: I was sure you have
ANDREW: Mostly in Europe and Norway and Iceland
places far from here.
I do a lot of Master Classes.
LIZ: They dig you a lot over there
LIZ: Great!.......... they know and appreciate music in Europe.
ANDREW: but they love my music in the mid west as well.
ANDREW: Chicago, Iowa and such
LIZ: Miami sucks
LIZ: have you ever been
ANDREW: once, bad music down there.
LIZ: YES! horrible music!
ANDREW: I did a tour of Norway last May.
Cool shit up there.
I did a Master Class at the Conservatory.
They freakin' loved it!!
The kids, that is.
I also made a recording which I should send to you.
Live at the Tou Bryggeri.
Stavanger, Norway.
Before that I was in Amsterdam.
Doing a Master Class and gigs.
I did the MC at the Conservatory of Music in Amsterdam.
again., they loved it.
LIZ: so you've toured and been through all of Europe
ANDREW: Yes. All of Europe.
ANDREW: I was in Iceland for two weeks in the winter doing a Cd and 5 gigs.
I also did a master class at the music school there.
people are mystified by me.
ATOMIKA80: why is that?
ANDREW: because I play jazz but I have to formal technique.
I mean, I dropped out of school!
and here I am TEACHING!!
It's funny shit!
LIZ: that goes to show
ANDREW: People see my openness and they want a part of it.
so I give it to them.
LIZ: I think music is born inside of people
ANDREW: yep.
Like I say in every interview,
music chose me,
I did not choose music.
it found me.
LIZ: so you have no college or university schooling?
ANDREW: 2 years of a business degree.
I hated college.
LIZ: yeah it does suck
I'll I wanted to do is practice
LIZ: yeah, college life can be a tad bit dreary
ANDREW: I knew I could do that in NY so I moved.
My mom couldn't believe it.
She still can't.
LIZ: why
ANDREW: I practiced 10 hours a day.
at least.
I was crazed.
I LOVED playing!!
ANDREW: She still wants me to move back to Seattle.
LIZ: ahhhhhh, that's sweet!
ANDREW: Moms. they're funny.
LIZ: she misses you
ANDREW: yep.
LIZ: tell me about Andrew D's big band
ANDREW: Well, I wrote half of that music the month prior to the gig.
My dat didn't work!!
and the Knit charged me !!!!!!!
I have written TONS of big band music.
Well, not tons but a lot.
LIZ: I kinda figured that.
ANDREW: I grew up playing big band shit so I have a love for it.
I have written music for many different big bands.
Orange Then Blue
Either Orchestra
LIZ: and you integrate electronics with your compositions?
ANDREW: Yes I just started that.
I am a computer freak.
LIZ: and it sounds fucking Awesome!
ANDREW: me..........thanks
I don't enjoy electronics when there are used as an effect.
I like them to be integrated.
LIZ: YES! Fusion Rocks!
LIZ:Yeah! sometimes I'll be at an electronic show, and it gets kinda tedious just watching a guy on a labtop sipping a martini
ANDREW: You know, so they sound like they are coming from within.
not outside
that looks stupider than it feels.
LIZ: yes! I know exactly what you mean I really felt it at the Andrew D's Big band show, there was soo much energy!
LIZ: So what programs do you use?
GRM Tools
Digital Performer
Quick TIme
Audio Ease
LIZ: and where do you get your sounds
ANDREW: They're all analog.
Shit I've sampled.
All the stuff you heard in the first set.
LIZ: aha
ANDREW: Were you there for the first set?
LIZ: I came in for the second
ANDREW: All those sounds were samples of the bass player, guitarist and drummer warming up.
LIZ: nice
ANDREW: Sometimes I record sound checks and use those sounds.
That way it's fresh.
you know.
The loop thing...
LIZ: so did you improvise some sounds
ANDREW: the last song.
LIZ: splendid!
ANDREW: you remember the last song?
LIZ: yes
ANDREW: That loop was in 17Q
that bitch was grooving in 17!!
that's HARD!!
to get a big band to do that!
LIZ: I heard you say at the show that "this song is dedicated to my moms" that was "Big Butt", well is it?
ANDREW: That's funny!!
I played that for my mom and she asked me if I wrote it for her!!!!
That's the funny part!
I wrote it for this bass player who had a big ass fetish.
LIZ: ha
ANDREW: I bought him a porn mag called Big Butt
LIZ: he loved big butts
There was one pic in the mag where this black chick was showing her ass and she had a little piece of toilet paper stuck in her butt.
ANDREW: funny shit!!
LIZ: hahahaha, that's disgusting
ANDREW: ha, and cool.
LIZ: and they actually printed it, that's the best part
ANDREW: oh man, there was no way they couldn't!!
ANDREW: exactly!!
LIZ: so what electronic musicians do you like
ANDREW: oh shit. I'm bad at this.
LIZ: why
ANDREW: I can't remember names but....
Skuli Sverreson.
Plays with Laurie Anderson.
She's fantastic!!
Power book chick.
kind of like a powder puff girl
only on computer.
Anya Garbarek.
Jan's daughter.
she's cool.
more pop than electronic but cool.
Marcus Miller is cool.
not the bass player
the guy from Tonic.
LIZ: which guy
ANDREW: Also, Alan Licht.
ANDREW: Marcus Miller is from Tonic.
He's the short CUTE guy.
Boyish face.
LIZ: oh
ANDREW: works at the door.
ANDREW: you've seen him
LIZ: maybe when I went
LIZ: I can't remember
.....................continued conversation the following day..................
ANDREW: I'm all about Iceland.
I'm going there again at the end of September
did I tell you that already?
LIZ: one-day ill go over there and soak in a hot spring
ANDREW: I'm playing the Reykjavik Jazz Festival.
LIZ: no you lucky guy
ANDREW: The hot springs are AMAZING!!
Last December we were in them and it was snowing out!!
Crazy shit!!
LIZ: yeah I want to GO
Kids are running around in Speedos throwing snowballs at each other.
The hot springs are actually made into swimming pools.
with huge water slides and shit.
LIZ: no way
ANDREW: but all the water on the slides turns to ice.
ANDREW: yeah, it's crazy.
LIZ: I thought it was like going to a beach
ANDREW: the trip from the shower to the pool is a fast a freakin' cold one!!
it's like going to the beach in Iceland.
then, in mid October I am heading to Norway.
LIZ: do you do anything else besides music?
ANDREW: I'm a visual artist.
I make lamps
light sculptures.
LIZ: and sell em or for your own pleasure
ANDREW: I am also a graphic designer.
ANDREW: I have sold my lamps to many people.
LIZ: damn, I'd love to see your work
ANDREW: they are more sculptures with light.
LIZ: so what else
ANDREW: I am also a computer freak.
ANDREW: I do computer work
LIZ: like........
ANDREW: not just sound shit
ANDREW: but I do consultations.
help people out.
kind of tech support.
LIZ: oh I see
ANDREW: I also do renovations.
when I was younger that's how I made a living.
LIZ: What kind of renovations?
ANDREW: Of New York homes.
I rebuild rooms
renovate them
build walls
LIZ: that's magnificent, my dad's an ex-carpenter.
ANDREW: carpentry.
ANDREW: I love that kind of work.
LIZ: its physically challenging
ANDREW: I am building a space in my friend's studio right now.
ANDREW: that's why I have to be up so early
ANDREW: we have to get in there before the clients come in
ANDREW: yeah, but I'm good at it.
LIZ: you must have a Mack daddy apartment
ANDREW: You should see my house
LIZ: I read your mind
ANDREW: full of my lamps and art and colors everywhere
LIZ: I would love to see it!
ANDREW: people love it when they come over.
plus, I fixed the shit out of this place.
it was a dump when I moved in.
now it's REAL nice
you should also see my computer art
I have just made about 20 pieces today.
I make a lot of "desktops" or "screen savers" that many, many folks have
LIZ: so ok, what motivates you the most when composing
ANDREW: no motivation.
LIZ: what do you mean , EXPLAIN...............
ANDREW: I just write music for the people I hear playing it.
If I hear it, I write it down.
I'm one of those people.
It's not a chore for me.
LIZ: ok what inspires you more than anything
LIZ: I knew you'd say that
ANDREW: I knew you knew
what inspires me is performance.
I like the thought of people reacting to what I write.
feeling uncomfortable or otherwise.
LIZ: well you can stir up lots of different emotions
ANDREW: As you know, I like to perform in front of people.
ANDREW: exactly.
LIZ: yes
ANDREW: I guess it's about control.
Taking the audience on a trip.
That's what inspires me.
LIZ: name some of you're fav. musicians, directors, artist.............
ANDREW: right now I'm into Anya Garbarek.
she is Jan's daughter.
I just got her cd from my friend's father in Norway.
really nice shit.
I'm also into this movie Tetsuo: Iron Man
LIZ: That movie is brilliant
ANDREW: I don't know who the director is but it's a Japanese animation flick.
LIZ: fucking nutty shit
ANDREW: ah, you've seen it.
ANDREW: Also, Battle Royale.
LIZ: yeah it all boils down to a giant cock
ANDREW: What's his fuck and Naked Lunch
ANDREW: he's brilliant.
NOT the movie but the book.
I'm fucking horrible with names.
LIZ: William S. Burroughs
ANDREW I'm reading this book called Notes From the Cosmos
LIZ: about.........
ANDREW: all about past and future lives
the future of earth
polar shifts
the second sun
ANDREW: interesting
ATOMIKA80: sounds interesting
ANDREW: very
ANDREW: I'm also into the Nodes
are you familiar with them?
LIZ: no
ANDREW: the North, South, East and West nodes?
LIZ: what is it
ANDREW: Well, your birth sign
in my case, Scorpio
Is your southern Node.
It's where you come from
Then. your sun sign
that is your Northern Node
it is where you are headed.
Each of us is here on earth to learn and grow.
I have been studying for many lifetimes
now I am a teacher.
I am giving my knowledge to those who ask of it.
I used to retreat to the mountains and read and read and read and learn....
now, I am suppose to share my knowledge.
ANDREW: It's hard because I can be a little reclusive.
LIZ: I know where you're coming from
ANDREW: Anyway, I am reading this book on the Nodes and discovering where I am headed and where I have been
ANDREW: I also do a lot of Astral traveling and dream traveling.
I have passed dreams between friends before.
You know, where you meet while your dreaming.
My sister used to pass me a lot of dreams when we were close.
LIZ: what bands are you currently involved with
ANDREW: I am playing with my own group Morthana.
This band is with the guys from Norway
Anders Hana on guitar
Morten Olsen on drums
Clayton Thomas on bass
I play with the Matt Wilson Quartet
LIZ: love it!!!!
ANDREW: he works with a lot of famous Jazz folks.
ANDREW: oh,you know that band...
LIZ: yes
ANDREW: I play with Human Feel
Jim Black drums
Chris Speed Tenor
Kurt Rosenwinkel guitar
we have four recordings out.
I work with my big band
I also play a lot with Hilmar Jensson from Iceland
He, Jim Black and I have a trio cd coming out this fall.
That's why I'm going to Iceland.
TO celebrate the release of that.
LIZ: how and when did you establish the big band
ANDREW: The one here in NY?
LIZ: yes
ANDREW: Only when you saw it.
That was our first gig here.
LIZ: great, it was fantastic
ANDREW: BitchAss ...........
ANDREW: I have a jazz group called BitchAss Jazz.
We do all composition
cool group.
I also play with the Reid Anderson Group
ANDREW: have you heard that?
nice band
LIZ: no , cd out?
ANDREW: on Fresh Sound New Talent a Spanish label.
LIZ: I'll be sure to keep that in mind
ANDREW: I play with Mike as well.
We did this gig 2 Saturdays ago
it kicked ass!!
LIZ: in mikes a big fucking sellout
ANDREW: It was the "Big Sell Out Gig" at the Knit!
ANDREW: The Knit sucks!
ANDREW: I built that fucking place and I get treated like shit there.
LIZ: they didn't let me photograph you
ANDREW: assholes!!
ANDREW: I seriously built that place!!
LIZ: I believe you , When did you build it?
ANDREW: They charged me so I could record my own gig, assholes!
fuck I hate that.
LIZ: so what year did you build it?
ANDREW: 8 years ago.
they moved from Houston street.
LIZ: what the fuck and you don't have special privileges
ANDREW: me and my friend oskar helped them build
I should.
LIZ: yes you should
ANDREW: I can't explain that one.
it sucks.
I still have to pay for beer.
LIZ: ok Andrew so what's your fav cartoon character? if any ?
ANDREW: that's a good question
Tetsuo 3
LIZ: cool
ANDREW: A guy I used to date was a cartoonist